編號^ 預先批核名單編號 軟件 / 套裝軟件名稱 公司名稱 購買 / 服務訂購模式 軟件 / 套裝軟件內容 軟件類別 價格 軟件 / 套裝軟件所包含的用家數量 服務訂購年數 / 年度保養 核准產品價格(港幣)## 1 PBS25-004 马良建筑 XC-ARCH
CBIM Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch
Contact Information:
http://www.cbim.com.cn/default.html Tel: 185-1354-1921
Email: xcube@cbim.com.cnSubscription XCUBE-ARCH is a BIM tool for phases such as SD and DD. Due to its support for free modling, Tianzheng DWG reading, it can efficiently convert Tianzheng DWG into models, and assemble models like Architecture、Structure and MEP for viewing and collision detection, thus achieve better design quality.
1.几何造型:直接造型建模,涉及点线面体的创建与编辑、材质、 面积、体积等; 2.渲染模拟:对模型材质、光照、环境配景等方面进行调整,通过 光线追踪或类似技术,模拟真实场景 3.二三维协同:对三维对象进行剖切或投影,形成二维图块并联动 更新,可二维进一步深化,并补充尺寸、文字等标注信息 4.指标统计:对体量划分楼层后,辅以标签进行体量的指标定义与 计算
2 PBS25-003 盈建科施工系列软件
Discipline: 2,8,9Beijing YJK Building Software Co.,Ltd.
Contact Information:
Tel: 0086-010-86489797
Email: support@yjk.cnSubscription 盈建科建築結構BIM設計軟體是基於自主通用數位化 平臺、以建築結構設計為基點的BIM軟體綜合產品, 用於建築結構從建模到出圖的全流程、多專業、跨階 段正向協同設計,因為AI智能識圖、三維交互操作、 通用有限元分析等核心能力,它可以極大提高建模效 率和品質,實現高質量的數位化設計和交付。 產品功能齊全,涵蓋建築結構建模、上部結構計算、 基礎設計、砌體結構設計、施工圖設計、彈塑性分析 、隔震減震結構設計、鑒定加固設計、鋼結構設計、 裝配式結構等功能,覆蓋建築設計領域的各個環節, 支持多專業數據協同並可在設計、施工、運維等多個 階段實現全數字化工作交付和協作,滿足設計、審查 、監管全流程的需求。
1.盈建科模板脚手架设计软件 2.盈建科BIM脚手架有限元分析计算软件 3.盈建科BIM木模板配模设计软件 4.盈建科桥梁施工临时结构BIM设计软件 5.盈建科施工BIM临时结构计算软件 6.盈建科施工BIM安全计算工具箱 7.盈建科BIM施工场地布置软件
$154,5003 PBS25-002 盈建科 BIM 系列软件
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13Beijing YJK Building Software Co.,Ltd.
Contact Information:
Tel: 0086-010-86489797
Email: support@yjk.cnSubscription 盈建科建築結構BIM設計軟體是基於自主通用數位化 平臺、以建築結構設計為基點的BIM軟體綜合產品, 用於建築結構從建模到出圖的全流程、多專業、跨階 段正向協同設計,因為AI智能識圖、三維交互操作、 通用有限元分析等核心能力,它可以極大提高建模效 率和品質,實現高質量的數位化設計和交付。 產品功能齊全,涵蓋建築結構建模、上部結構計算、 基礎設計、砌體結構設計、施工圖設計、彈塑性分析 、隔震減震結構設計、鑒定加固設計、鋼結構設計、 裝配式結構等功能,覆蓋建築設計領域的各個環節, 支持多專業數據協同並可在設計、施工、運維等多個 階段實現全數字化工作交付和協作,滿足設計、審查 、監管全流程的需求。
1.盈建科通用数字化平台 2.盈建科建筑BIM设计软件 3.盈建科结构BIM设计软件 4.盈建科暖通BIM设计软件 5.盈建科给排水BIM设计软件 6.盈建科电气BIM设计软件 7.盈建科BIM数字化协同设计软件
$87,0004 PBS25-001 盈建科建筑结构设计系列软件
Discipline: 2,7,8,12Beijing YJK Building Software Co.,Ltd.
Contact Information:
Tel: 0086-010-86489797
Email: support@yjk.cnSubscription 盈建科建築結構BIM設計軟體是基於自主通用數位化 平臺、以建築結構設計為基點的BIM軟體綜合產品, 用於建築結構從建模到出圖的全流程、多專業、跨階 段正向協同設計,因為AI智能識圖、三維交互操作、 通用有限元分析等核心能力,它可以極大提高建模效 率和品質,實現高質量的數位化設計和交付。 產品功能齊全,涵蓋建築結構建模、上部結構計算、 基礎設計、砌體結構設計、施工圖設計、彈塑性分析 、隔震減震結構設計、鑒定加固設計、鋼結構設計、 裝配式結構等功能,覆蓋建築設計領域的各個環節, 支持多專業數據協同並可在設計、施工、運維等多個 階段實現全數字化工作交付和協作,滿足設計、審查 、監管全流程的需求。
1.盈建科建筑结构设计软件 2.盈建科基础结构设计软件 3.盈建科砌体结构设计软件 4.盈建科混凝土施工图设计软件 5.盈建科钢结构施工图设计软件 6.盈建科建筑结构设计软件(英文版) 7.盈建科建筑结构设计软件(欧洲规范版) 8.盈建科建筑结构设计软件(美国规范版) 9.盈建科建筑结构施工图设计软件(英文版) 10.盈建科钢结构施工图设计软件(英文版)
$501,0005 PBS24-005 BIMdance Control Design
Discipline: 3,7,13BIMdance Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 9154 3420
Email: ControlDesign@bimdance.ioSubscription BIMdance Control Design is a BIM software for designing Building Automation Systems (BAS).
Integrated Design Environment. Customizable Templates and Libraries. Seamless BIM Integration.
6 PBS24-004 Tekla Tedds
Discipline: 2,4,9,13CivilConnect Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 6387 6997
Email: sales@civilconnect.com.hkSubscription Powerful, easy-to-use structural analysis software that reduces repetitive hand calculations and offers a dependable multi-material element design from BIM Model.
Streamline Structural Analysis Software using BIM complying Engineering Analysis BIM uses
33,9307 PBS24-003 Tekla Structures
Discipline: 2,4,9,13CivilConnect Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 6387 6997
Email: sales@civilconnect.com.hkSubscription Carbon: For viewing models, extracting data and collaborating on projects Graphite: For authoring constructible models and producing design documentation Diamond: For performing detailing of any material and automating production workflows
Constructible BIM Modelling Software with high LOD. Supports DfMA and MiC engineering, detailing and drawing production of all materials. Incorporates BIM Tools for enhancing digital construction operation of General/RC Contractor and production of constructible construction drawings.
1-year: $7,380
3-year: $22,140
1-year: $32,350
3-year: $97,050
1-year: $63,100
3-year: $189,300
8 PBS24-002 SOFiSTiK Reinforcement
Discipline: 2,4,13Data Connect Company Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 6437 1999
Email: admin@dataconnecthk.comSubscription SOFiSTiK Reinforcement (RC) is the package for 3D reinforcement and plan derivation with Autodesk® Revit® in one product
Plug-in software
Single / Multiple
$34,1249 PBS24-001 SOFisTik Bridge+ Infrastructure Modeler
Discipline: 2,4,13Data Connect Company Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 6437 1999
Email: admin@dataconnecthk.comSubscription The only solution for BIM design of bridges and tunnels in Autodesk® Revit®.
Plug-in software
Single / Multiple
$76,63410 PBS23-001 Bluebeam❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5 isBIM Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 2382 8380
Forida Ltd
Contact Information: www.forida.com.hk Tel: 24124590Subscription Bluebeam Core, Bluebeam Complete
Innovative solutions that set the standard for collaboration and workflow efficiency for design and construction professionals.
1 year
Bluebeam Core HK$2,570
Bluebeam Complete HK$3,43011 PBS22-005 PKPM-BIM
Discipline: 1,2,3KBQuest Hong Kong Limited
Company Information: https://www.kbquest.com/
Tel: 852 2529 1100
Email: matlaw@kbquest.comSubscription PKPM-BIM is a BIM professional design software on the BIMBase platform, which can be used for the BIM design in architectural, structural and electromechanical aspects, generating drawings and review application. The software can also support different construction stage such as schematic design, construction drawing design and construction drawing review.
Construction Engineering Design
3-yearHKD$41,000 (1 year)
HKD$112,000 (3 years)12 PBS22-004 Tekla Structural Designer❖
Discipline: 2CivilConnect Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 26280933
Email: sales@civilconnect.com.hkSubscription Structural Designer specifically to help the design engineer maximize collaboration with all other project parties, including architects, fabricators and contractors. BIM integration offers a smooth and effective way to maintain quality, reduce rework and drive seamless collaboration.
Structural Analysis Software using BIM complying Engineering Analysis BIM uses
1 year
Discipline: 7isBIM Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 23828380Subscription An intuitve web-based open BIM platform that will help you improve the quality of your IFC models, thus saving time and money for your project.
Cloud based coordination platform
Single / Multiple
Annual Maintenance renewal (not mandatory)
HK$ 531/month for Single Subscription
HK$ 1791/month for Team Subscription14 PBS21-008 BricsCAD AX3000 MEP Suite
Discipline: 3, 13Bricsys NV
Contact Information:
Tel: 3950 3353
maurice.kong@hexagon.comPurchase BIM for Architectural and Structural elements and for Specialised Modules covering all aspects of building services engineering: HVAC, Sanitation, Water supply, Electricity, Residential ventilation and fire safety/sprinkler systems.
BIM & MEP Design & Engineering software
Annual Maintenance Renewal
(not mandatory)HK$46,900
15 PBS21-007 Inventor Professional❖
Discipline: 3, 13Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Inventor Professional
Professional-grade 3D CAD software for product design and engineering
3-Year$ 16,282.5
$ 48,847.516 PBS21-006 Product Design & Manufacturing Collection IC❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5,9,13Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Software included in the Collection:<br> - Inventor, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, Inventor Tolerance Analysis, Inventor Nesting, Inventor CAM, Inventor Nastran, Navisworks Manage, 3ds Max, ReCap Pro, Vault, Factory Design Utilities, HSMWorks, Autodesk Rendering, Autodesk Drive.
The collection is an integrated set of professional-grade applications that connect everyone, from concept to production, with shared tools to streamline your product development process.<br><br> - Create high-performing product designs and production system layouts<br><br> - Extend product capabilities and prevent product failures<br><br> - Connect your team and your data from design to manufacture
3-Year$ 21,206.3
$ 63,618.917 PBS21-005 Autodesk Takeoff
Discipline: 8Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Autodesk Takeoff
5D BIM software: Integrated 2D+3D construction takeoff software
18 PBS21-004 Autodesk Build (550/5000/unlimited)
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5,7,9Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel_ 28242338Subscription Autodesk Build 550: 550 drawings/year
Autodesk Build 5000: 5000 drawings/year
Autodesk Build Unlimited: Unlimited drawings/yearConstruction management software for field execution and project management
Autodesk Build 550: $3,510 per year
Autodesk Build 5000: $6,142.5 per year
Autodesk Build Unlimited: $11,505 per year
Autodesk Build 550: $10,530per 3 year
Autodesk Build 5000: $18,427.5 per 3 year
Autodesk Build Unlimited: $34,515 per 3 year19 PBS20-017 PriMus PLUS
Discipline: 8ACCA software SpA
isBIM Limited
Contact Information: www.isbim.com.hk
Tel: 3188 2992Subscription - Construction Cost Estimates BoQs (PriMus)
- Quantity Take-Off from CAD drawings or Raster images (PriMus TAKEOFF)
- Project Time schedules and Planning (PriMus KRONO)Construction Estimating Software
Single (Subscription valid for 1 PC)
free updates included$ 2,761
$ 5,079
$ 6,95620 PBS20-016 PriMus
Discipline: 8ACCA software SpA
isBIM Limited
Contact Information: www.isbim.com.hk
Tel: 3188 2992Subscription - Construction and works estimates
- Estimates and works proposals
- Construction site material requirements analysis
- Construction site cost managementConstruction Estimating Software
Single (Subscription valid for 1 PC)
free updates included$ 1,877
$ 3,312
$ 4,63621 PBS20-013 Edificius
Discipline: 1, 3ACCA software SpA
isBIM Limited
Contact Information: www.isbim.com.hk
Tel: 3188 2992Subscription Edificius BIM modelling is rapidly becoming the best way to integrate architecture, interior design, public spaces design, MEP systems modelling and all other areas of building design.
- Architectural BIM Design
- BIM MEP technical installation systems modeling
- Garden design, External spaces and Terrain Modelling
- Rendering with Artificial Intelligence (AIrBIM)Single (Subscription valid for 1 PC)
free updates included$3,120
$8,43722 PBS20-011 BIM Track
Discipline: 5Construction Virtuelle et Technologie BIM One Inc.
isBIM Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 23828380Subscription A web-based issue tracking platform for BIM coordination. Issues can be questions, comments, clashes, RFIs, and more.
Cloud based communication software
3-yearStandard Team Plan: 10 users/ 25 users/ 50 users
1-year: HK$15,912/ HK$31,824/ HK$53,820
2-year: HK$28,642/ HK$57,283 / HK$96,876
3-year: HK$40,576/ HK$81,151/ HK$137,241
Standard Premium Plan: 10 users/ 25 users/ 50 users
1 -year: HK$23,400/ HK$47,736/ HK$80,028
2 -year: HK$42,120/ HK$85,925/ HK$144,050
3 -year: HK$56,670/ HK$121,727/ HK$204,071
Enterprise Plan: 1-year HK$147,420 for 100 Monthly Active Users Base23 PBS20-007 DTCPRO (Need to use with BricsCAD BIM)
Discipline: 6, 8Diseños Digitales GWC S.A.
MYBIM Limited
Contact Information:
Website: www.mybim.com.hk
Tel: 2806 2283
Email: info@mybim.com.hkPerpetual Develop BIM and specially designed for calculation and drawing of Cadastre, Subdivision of plots, Entry and Editing of Surveying Surveys, Level Curves, basic Road Design, calculation by surfaces
Survey and Collaboration
HKD $12,000
24 PBS20-006 Intelligent 3D PDF Exporter for Navisworks Plugin
Discipline: 1-5, 7, 9INTRATECH Corp.
3D PDF System Limited
Contact Information:
Website: www.tetra4d.com / www.3dpdf.com.hk
Tel: 9300 6269
Email: dannychow@3dpdf.com.hkPerpetual Add-on software of Autodesk Revit Plug-in
Cut & Overlay Plan/Room on 2D Sheet MEP Tag and 3D MEP Link. Click MEP Tag, then navigate to the MEP center
Export the whole model or selected model with neighboring objects
Export model structure and properties
Export clash check report with the detailed results into 3D PDF (Navisworks only)BIM Conversion & Project Communication Software : Revit to 3D PDF Lightweight model (Desktop)
25 PBS20-005 Intelligent 3D PDF Exporter for Revit Plugin
Discipline: 1-5, 7, 9INTRATECH Corp.
3D PDF System Limited
Contact Information:
Website: www.tetra4d.com / www.3dpdf.com.hk
Tel: 9300 6269
Email: dannychow@3dpdf.com.hkPerpetual Add-on software of Autodesk Revit Plug-in
Cut & Overlay Plan/Room on 2D Sheet MEP Tag and 3D MEP Link. Click MEP Tag, then navigate to the MEP center
Export the whole model or selected model with neighboring objects
Export model structure and propertiesBIM Conversion & Project Communication Software : Revit to 3D PDF Lightweight model (Desktop)
26 PBS20-004 Tetra 4D Enrich
Discipline: 1-5, 7, 9, 10Tech Soft 3D
3D PDF System Limited
Contact Information:
Website: www.tetra4d.com / www.3dpdf.com.hk
Tel: 9300 6269
Email: dannychow@3dpdf.com.hkPerpetual Create data rich, interactive 3D PDF inside Adobe Arobat without needing programming expertise
Connect native 3D CAD/BIM model with other critical data managed by PLM/ERP such as bill of material (BOM) table and meta-data
Automatic recognize BIM model part list or item and export them into BOM table
Define widgets and interactions between the 3D scene and the non-geometric data
Securely allow downstream users to access the product data they needBIM Conversion & Project Communication Software : Revit to 3D PDF Lightweight model (Desktop)
HKD $33,000 (Included 4 modules : Adobe Acrobat Professional + Tetra4D Enrich + Tetra4D Converter + Tetra4D Reviewer)
27 PBS20-001 Enscape❖
Discipline: 7-9Enscape GmbH
Forida Ltd
Contact Information:
Website: www.forida.com.hk
Tel: 24124590Subscription Enscape
Enscape™ is a Virtual Reality (VR) and Real-Time Rendering plugin for Revit, SketchUp, Rhino & ArchiCAD.
Floating License $7,480
Fixed Seat License $4,39028 PBS19-018 Cubicost TBQ
Discipline: 8Glodon Hong Kong Software Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 23337520
Email: hk@global.glodon.comSubscription Cubicost TBQ
Cubicost TBQ is a tendering platform which allows quantity surveyors to prepare Bill of Quantities (BQ) or Schedule of Rate (SOR).
Annual Subscription: 1-3 Year
Subscription Mode: 1-year: $12,800 / 2-year: $25,600 [New mode] / 3-year: $38,400 [New mode]
29 PBS19-017 RIB CostX Complete❖
Discipline: 8RIB Software Hong Kong Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 5804 4622
Email: sales.hkg@rib-software.com
Email: sales.chn.costx@rib-software.comSubscription The Complete 3D/BIM and 2D Estimating Solution. With everything the QS or estimator needs in one program, CostX will give your business time and cost savings. CostX includes a wide range of features such as 2D takeoff, 3D/BIM takeoff, estimating workbooks, embodied carbon calculations, Auto-Revisioning, Subcontractor Comparison/Tender Evaluation, and customisable reporting. CostX is the winner of the Estimation & Valuation Software of the Year at the 2022 Construction Computing Awards. Cloud hosting is also available for an additional cost.
5D BIM construction cost estimating and 2D/BIM takeoff
30 PBS19-011 MagiCAD Support and Hanger Module for Revit
Discipline: 3Glodon Hong Kong Software Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 23337520
Email: hk@global.glodon.comSubscription MagiCAD Support & Hanger
Professional E&M BIM Plug-in works in Revit Environment. It helps E&M BIM engineers on modelling, optimization and coordination. Also, it allows the model to fit to the need on construction stage.
1-3 Year
Stand Alone License, 12 mo.
Stand Alone License, 24 mo.
Stand Alone License, 36 mo.
$18,000; Network License, 12 mo.
$36,000; Network License, 24 mo.
$54,000; Network License, 36 mo.
31 PBS19-009 MagiCAD Schematic Drawing Module for Revit
Discipline: 3Glodon Hong Kong Software Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 23337520
Email: hk@global.glodon.comPerpetual License / Subscription based MagiCAD Schematic Drawing
Professional E&M BIM Plug-in works in Revit Environment. It helps E&M BIM engineers on modelling, optimization and coordination. Also, it allows the model to fit to the need on construction stage.
Perpetual License Annual Maintenance: 1-3 Year
Subscription base: 1-3 YearStand-alone License Mode:
Annual Subscription:
Stand Alone License,12 mo. $24,000;
Stand Alone License,24 mo. $36,000;
Stand Alone License,36 mo.
Perpetual + Annual Maintenace
$22,600; Perpetual;
1-year maintenance.
$27,400; Perpetual;
2-year maintenance.
$32,200; Perpetual;
3-year maintenance.
Network License Mode:
Subscription based:
$18,000; 12 mo.
$36,000; 24 mo.
$54,000; 36 mo.
Perpetual + Annual Maintenance:
$28,650; Perpetual;
1-year maintenance. $33,450; Perpetual;
2-year maintenance. $38,250; Perpetual;
3-year maintenance32 PBS19-008 MagiCAD Standard Package for Revit (Ventilation, Piping and Electrical)
Discipline: 3Glodon Hong Kong Software Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 23337520
Email: hk@global.glodon.comPerpetual License / Subscription based MagiCAD Ventilation, Piping and Electrical Modules
Professional E&M BIM Plug-in works in Revit Environment. It helps E&M BIM engineers on modelling, optimization and coordination. Also, it allows the model to fit to the need on construction stage.
Perpetual License Annual Maintenance: 1-3 Year
Subscription base: 1-3 YearStand-alone License Mode:
Subscription based:
$36,000; 12 mo.
$72,000; 24 mo.
$108,000; 36 mo.
Perpetual + Annual Maintenance:
$67,800; Perpetual;
1-year maintenance. $82,200; Perpetual;
2-year maintenance. $96,600; Perpetual;
3-year maintenance
Network License Mode:
Subscription based:
$54,000; 12 mo.
$108,000; 24 mo.
$162,000; 36 mo.
Perpetual + Annual Maintenance: $85,930; Perpetual;
1-year maintenance. $100,330; Perpetual;
2-year maintenance. $114,730; Perpetual;
3-year maintenance33 PBS19-007 Cubicost TME
Discipline: 3,8Glodon Hong Kong Software Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 23337520
Email: hk@global.glodon.comSubscription Cubicost TME
Quantity Take-off software allows quantity surveyors identify/build-up/convert 3D BIM model from 2D drawing or 3D IFC model and generate quantity report of mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) elements based on Standard Method of Measurement (SMM).
Annual Subscription: 1-3 Year
Subscription Mode: 1-year: $18,800 / 2-year: $37,600 [New mode] / 3-year: $56,400 [New mode]
34 PBS19-006 Cubicost TRB
Discipline: 1,2,8Glodon Hong Kong Software Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 23337520
Email: hk@global.glodon.comSubscription Cubicost TRB
Quantity Take-off software allows quantity surveyors identify/build-up/convert 3D BIM model from 2D drawing or 3D model inter-change with TAS and generate quantity report of reinforcement bar based on local calculation standard/BS.
Annual Subscription: 1-3 Year
Subscription Mode: 1-year: $19,800 / 2-year: $39,600 [New mode] / 3-year: $59,400 [New mode]
35 PBS19-005 Cubicost TAS
Discipline: 1,2,8Glodon Hong Kong Software Limited
Company Information:
Tel: 23337520
Email: hk@global.glodon.comSubscription Cubicost TAS
Quantity Take-off software allows quantity surveyors identify/build-up/convert 3D BIM model from 2D drawing or 3D ifc model and generate quantity report of architectural and structural elements based on Standard Method of Measurement (SMM) Calculation Rul
Annual Subscription: 1-3 Year
Subscription Mode: 1-year: $18,800 / 2-year: $37,600 [New mode] / 3-year: $56,400 [New mode]
36 PBS18-048 MicroStation with SELECT Subscription❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,13Bentley International System
Company Information:
Tel: 28021030Perpetual License MicroStation with SELECT Subscription
2D and 3D CAD and BIM Modeling
37 PBS18-042 AGACAD
Discipline: 3Forida Ltd
Contact Information:
Tel: 24124590Subscription Precast Concrete<br> MEP Hanagers<br> Cut Opening
Autodesk Revit Plugin<br> BIM Navigator helps you to quickly find elements in your Revit model and explore their parameters by means of Navigaion tree and Parameter table.<br> Precast Concrete enables you to quickly and easily model prefabricated concrete walls, floors, and columns and get full project updates on the Revit platform in real time.<br> MEP hangers enables the instant large-scale insertion of hangers and supports throughout a Revit model for ducts, pipes, cable trays, and conduits. The BIM-to-field feature can provide with you an accurate bills of materials and builders work drawings, and on-site assembly.<br> Cut Opening provides a quick way for automatic cutting holes in model, supports a Lean BIM processes by creating and editting holes and openings wherever on ducts, pipes, cable trays or conduits intersect walls, floors, roofs, or ceilings precisely.
1 year
$13,500 (Precast Concrete)
$7,920 (MEP Hanagers)
$8,820 (Cut Opening)38 PBS18-040 Solibri Model Checker❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8Forida Ltd
Contact Information:
Tel: 24124590Perpetual License Solibri Model Checker Network license
Quality Assurance Software for AECO field that improve the quality of Building Information Modelling (BIM)
1 year
Solibri Model Checker - Office (Annual Subscription - Individual) - HK$27,000
39 PBS18-039 Ideate Software
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5,7Forida Ltd
Contact Information:
Tel: 24124590Subscription Ideate BIMLink Ideate Explorer Ideate Sticky Ideate Apps
Autodesk Revit Plugin
- Ideate BIMLink simpify tasks and collaborate BIM data with more efficient project management in Revit model.
- Ideate explorer keep your BIM projects standardized and clean, and provide an easy way to search, filter, quantify and select elements in Revit model.
- Ideate sticky connect BIM data and non-BIM data with ease, speed and precision.
- Ideate apps provide various plug-in tool in Revit speeding up common task and increase accuracy of BIM data.Single
1 year
$6,201 Ideate BIMLink
$3,861 Ideate Explorer
$3,861 Ideate Sticky
$3,861 Ideate Apps
Ideate BIMLink 5 multi-user
$7,800 Ideate Explorer 5 multi-user
$7,800 Ideate Sticky 5 multi-user
$7,800 Ideate Apps 5 multi-user40 PBS18-038 BricsCAD BIM❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,13Bricsys NV
Contact Information:
Tel: 39503353Perpetual/ Permanent license/ Flexible licensing/ Subscriptions BricsCAD BIM<br> New function: Import/ Export IFC4.0
dwg All-in-One Solution for BIM
Perpetual/ Permanent license/ Flexible licensing/ Subscriptions
Single Perpetual - $18,750
Single Network - $37,500
Single Subscription - $8,300
Network Subscription - $16,38041 PBS18-036 ACS(Automatic Computation System)
Discipline: 1,12Building Information Technology Ltd.
Contact Information:
Tel: 38925820
Email: info@bit-world.netPurchase Installation CD and User Manual
a BIM plugin developed on Revit to automate preparation of (1) General Building Plan for Buildings Department Approval and (2) Tender Documents (3) Automatic modelling of finishes (4)Automatic modelling of underground utilities
42 PBS18-035 Fuzor Virtual Design Construction ❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5,8Kalloc Studios Asia Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 25201050Subscription Fuzor Virtual Design Construction<br> Fuzor 2024 New Feature: 1.Interchanged vehicle parts / 2.Egress Show in the HD Screenshot / 3.Zoning Improvements 4.Export to IFC / 5.Allow Operation Radius Cap and End Displays / 6.Change multiple task types / 7.Comparation operations for Custom Task Filters / 8.Pre-sequence for Fuzor vehicle animations / 9.Navisworks and SKP improve Fuzor Auto grouping / 10.4D HD Screenshots 11.Stack Scaffolding on paths / 12.Flythrough Gantt Chart Options / 13.Rate of work duration calculation / 14.Fuzor Microtask system / 15.4D Automation / 16.3D Marker UX Improvements / 17.4D Paths / 18.Date Automation
Standalone / Network
1 year / 2-year / 3-year
$82,425 / $164,850 / $247,275
$101,658 / $203,316 / $304,97443 PBS18-034 Fuzor Construction Pro❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5,8Kalloc Studios Asia Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 25201050Subscription Fuzor Construction<br> Fuzor 2024 New Feature 1.Interchanged vehicle parts / 2.Egress Show in the HD Screenshot / 3.Zoning Improvements 4.Export to IFC / 5.Allow Operation Radius Cap and End Displays / 6.Change multiple task types / 7.Comparation operations for Custom Task Filters / 8.Pre-sequence for Fuzor vehicle animations / 9.Navisworks and SKP improve Fuzor Auto grouping / 10.4D HD Screenshots 11.Stack Scaffolding on paths / 12.Flythrough Gantt Chart Options / 13.Rate of work duration calculation / 14.Fuzor Microtask system / 15.4D Automation / 16.3D Marker UX Improvements / 17.4D Paths / 18.Date Automation
Network1 year
$77,71544 PBS18-033 Fuzor Ultimate❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5Kalloc Studios Asia Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 25201050Subscription Fuzor Ultimate<br> New Features:<br> Automatic exploded diagram / Visual Improvement / Clash Analysis / Cinematic Enhancement / 3D Marker Enhancement / VR / Trigger Updates / Plugin Support
Network1 year
$47,10045 PBS18-032 Fuzor BIM Solution❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5Kalloc Studios Asia Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 25201050Subscription Fuzor BIM Solution<br> New Features:<br> Visual Improvement / Clash Analysis / Cinematic Enhancement / 3D Marker Enhancement / VR / Plugin Support a. Civil 3D 2022 Support
Network1 year
$25,90546 PBS18-031 Fuzor Lite❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,5Kalloc Studios Asia Limited
Contact Information:
Tel: 25201050Subscription Fuzor Lite<br> New Features: <br> VR / Plugin Support a. Civil 3D 2022 Support
Network1 year
$10,20547 PBS18-028 BIMcloud User License - Commercial International Net❖
Discipline: 5,7GRAPHISOFT SE
Contact Information:
Tel: 39753260
Email: mail@graphisoft.com.hkSubscription BIMcloud User License - Commercial International Net
1 year
48 PBS18-027 Archicad Collaborate International Version
Discipline: 1,2,13GRAPHISOFT SE
Contact Information:
Tel: 39753260
Email: mail@graphisoft.com.hkSubscription Archicad Collaborate package include Archicad INT language version, BIMcloud Saas, BIMx Pro, subscription benefits, cloud-based license, available on windows and Mac
1 year
3 year$16,850
$45,49549 PBS18-024 OpenRoads Designer with SELECT Subscription❖
Discipline: 4Bentley International Systems
Contact Information:
Tel: 28021030Perpetual Licence OpenRoads Designer with SELECT Subscription
Civil Design (Road & Bridge) and Drainage Design (UU)
50 PBS18-020 OpenBuildings Designer with SELECT Subscription❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,13Bentley International Systems
Contact Information:
Tel: 28021030
Perpetual Licence OpenBuildings Designer with SELECT Subcription
BIM Modeling
51 PBS18-018 Revit Commercial New Single-user ELD Subscription❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,4,13Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Revit
BIM modelling & analysis software.
$58,33552 PBS18-015 Navisworks Simulate Commercial New ELD Subscription❖
Discipline: 1,2.3,5,7,8Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Navisworks Simulate
Lets architecture, engineering, and construction professionals holistically review integrated models and data with stakeholders during preconstruction to better control project better control project outcomes.
$22,26153 PBS18-014 Navisworks Manage Commercial New Single--user ELD Subscription❖
Discipline: 1,2,3,5,7,8Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Navisworks Manage
Lets architecture, engineering, and construction professionals holistically review integrated models and data with stakeholders during preconstruction to better control project outcomes.
$54,84954 PBS18-013 InfraWorks Commercial New Single-user ELD Subscription ❖
Discipline: 4Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription InfraWorks® software supports connected BIM(Building Information Modeling) processes, enabling designers and civil engineers to plan and design infrastructure projects in the context of the real world.
55 PBS18-011 Civil 3D Commercial New Single-user ELD subscription❖
Discipline: 4,13Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Civil 3D
BIM modelling & analysis software for civil works
$55,65356 PBS18-010 CFD-cloud service entitlement CLOUD Commercial New Single-user Subscription❖
Discipline: 11Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription CFD - cloud service entitlement
Provides computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and thermal simulation tools to help you predict product performance, optimize designs, and validate project behavior before your project stared
$2,95057 PBS18-002 Architecture Engineering & Construction Collection IC Commercial New ELD Subscription❖
Discipline: 1-6,8,12-13Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Revit, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Infraworks, Navisworks Manage, AutoCAD Raster Design, Vehicle Tracking, AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Plant 3D, Formit Pro, Insight, Recap Pro, Structural Bridge Design, Advance Steel, Revit Live, Robot Structural Analysis Professional, Dynamo Studio, Fabrication Cadmep, AutoCAD Mobile App, Autodesk Rendering, 3ds max, Structural Analysis for Revit, Cloud Storage
Contains commonly used BIM software for the whole project lifecycle
58 PBS18-001 Advance Steel Commercial New ELD Subscription❖
Discipline: 2Autodesk Inc
Contact Information:
Tel: 28242338Subscription Advance Steel
BIM Steel detailing software for prefabrication
Ranking of approved quantites of CITF Pre-approved BIM Software (只提供英文版本)
預先批核科技產品: 414 產品
預先批核建築信息模擬培訓: 201 課程
預先批核建築信息模擬軟件: 58 產品
預先批核名單總數: 673 項目
(Updated on 13 February 2025)
方法一: | 步驟1:在「放大鏡」欄目輸入關鍵字,例如通用數據環境或數碼工地監督系統 |
步驟2:點擊「搜尋」按鈕 |
方法二: | 步驟1:點擊第二行的下拉選項欄目 |
步驟2:選擇你想搜尋的類別,例如物聯網 | |
步驟3:點擊「搜尋」按鈕 |
##實際資助金額將按照規定的採購流程得出的最低報價而定,並以基金網站公佈之核准產品價格,按照相關配對比例計算為限(一般為70%; 本地開發的創新技術或產品為80%; 預先批核科技名單中所示的特定產品為 50%)。
(生效日期爲 2023年8月1日)
❖The product involves updates to product features and/or approved prices. For funding applications with complete information received on or after 8 November 2024, the new approved price will take effect.
^The latest admitted items would be placed at the top of the list
(A) Legend of Skill Level
1. Awareness Course; 2. Skill Training - Basic Level; 3. Skill Training - Intermediate/Advanced Level; 4. Management Level; and 5. CIC-Accredited BIM Manager Course.
(B) Legend of Discipline
1. Architecture; 2. Structure; 3. Building Services/MEP; 4. Civil/Infrastructure Works; 5. Collaboration/(Construction) Programming; 6. Point Cloud/Scanning to BIM/Land Surveying; 7. "BIM/Information/Data Audit" or Management; 8. Quantity Surveying/Costing; 9. Construction; 10. Asset/Facility Management; 11. Sustainability; 12. Scripting/Coding (for Automation); 13. Object/Families Development; 14. Locally developed innovations or products; and 15. Safety-related Technologies
*Please refer to the CIC Beginner's Guide on Construction Digitalisation – Smart Site Digital Platform – Annex A