To enhance the capability of practitioners to harness technology for the continuous improvement of our construction industry, the CITF will support existing practitioners and prospective built professionals to take part in courses and events on advanced construction technologies.

Click here to download Application Framework
  • Eligible Applicants

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    • a) Local Hong Kong higher education institutions

    • b) Professional institutions (such as the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors)

    • c) Trade associations

    • d) Unions

    • e) Quasi-governmental or statutory organisations (for organizing local collaborative courses only)

  • List of Examples of Acceptable Training, Events or Visits

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    • List of examples of acceptable training, events or visits is established as guidelines for CITF applicants. Applicant should refer to CITF Application Framework, Terms and Conditions and Application Portal User Guide regarding the submission requirements.

    • Click here to download List of Examples of Acceptable Training, Events or Visits


      Applicants should observe the relevant legislation throughout the process of application and implementation of their approved programme that the CIC or the Government would not be held liable to any legal consequences as a result of its approval of the Application.